10 Things You (Probably) Don’t Know About Me

Georgiana Petec
2 min readSep 24, 2018

thank you Julia Kantic, Chris Drew, and edh lamport for tagging me

“boy and girl holding hands while walking” by Jordan Rowland on Unsplash

Apart from the blurb on my profile? (“ Romanian-Canadian polyglot, Zumba instructor, jewelry maker, occasional translator, mother, humanitarian, former PM in IT… Ah, and I write. @allwordscanada”) Huh.

  1. I grew up in communist Romania, wearing hand-me-downs from a boy-cousin.
  2. I tend to attribute my passionate loving nature, hotheadedness, and ability to curse those who severely wrong me to my gypsy origins. The curses I’ve distributed came true, however we label them as karma these days.
  3. I’ve made a man fall from a tree, another hang from scaffolds up high and one little girl (may have been a boy — I was a child too) not be hit by a truck. All with the power of my thoughts.
  4. The giant window falling from up high in my story Chance did shatter at my feet, only that I remained completely unscathed and a 24 wheeler with the words “IN GOD WE TRUST” written on it passed by. Which was mostly uncommon because trucks were not allowed to travel through the city during daytime.
  5. I used to hug trees, kiss them and talk to them.
  6. I’m a certificate junkie. I should have around fifty, maybe way more? Two added last weekend.
  7. I’m excited to teach…



Georgiana Petec

Words, my trusted allies, written when you couldn’t be spoken, now for other voices to read you— I welcome you here. https://allwords.ca/author/gia/